Mana Gathering
Magic: the Gathering

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Mana Creation

Colored Mana Colorless Mana

Goldhound Myr Moonvessel


Mana Creation

Myr Cycle

Copper Myr Gold Myr Iron Myr
Leaden Myr Silver Myr

Colored Mana

Myr Convert Ornithopter of Paradise Pili-Pala
Transform Artifact
Front Back
Mystic Skull Mystic Monstrosity

Colorless Mana

Automated Artificer Hedron Crawler Manakin
Millikin Plague Myr

Land Fetch

Compass Gnome Dune Mover Silver Deputy
Silver Deputy

Cost Reduction

Enthusiastic Mechanaut Etherium Sculptor

Mana Support

Campus Guide Voltaic Servant

Color Filtering

Gravestone Strider Prismite Salvaged Manaworker
Scarecrow Guide Shire Scarecrow Stonework Packbeast


Mana Creation

Colored Mana

Alloy Myr Bronze Walrus Codie, Vociferous Codex
Codsworth, Handy Helper Oasis Gardener Opaline Unicorn
Transform Artifact
Front Back
Forboding Statue Forsaken Thresher

Colorless Mana

Cathodion Metalworker
Palladium Myr Tower Worker

Land Fetch

Burnished Hart Pilgrim's Eye Skittering Surveyor

Cost Reduction

Foundry Inspector

Four +

Mana Creation

Attendant Cycle

Crosis's Attendant Darigaaz's Attendant Dromar's Attendant
Rith's Attendant Treva's Attendant

Colored Mana

Composite Golem Cradle Clearcutter Crystalline Crawler
Lotus Guardian Ramos, Dragon Engine Tanuki Transplanter

Colorless Mana

Su-Chi Kozilek's Channeler
Warden of Geometries Workhorse
Land Fetch
Scampering Surveyor Solemn Simulacrum
Cost Reduction Mana Support
Jhoira's Familiar Voltaic Construct

Color Filtering

Coal Golem Crossroads Candleguide Signpost Scarecrow

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