Pay 1 energy | Pay 1 energy | Spend only on ally spells |
Spend only on creature spells | Pay 2, make mana equal to other gates you control | Spend only on Cleric, Rogue, Warrior, or Wizard spells and abilities |
Pay 5, get 5 mana of any color combination | Spend only on mounts | Any color a land you control could produce |
Spend only on Assassins or freerunning creatures | Pay 1 to filter | Pay 1 mana or sac |
Pay 1 mana | Spend only on chosen creature type | 1 damage to you when tapped |
Commander only | Pay 1 to filter | Pay 1 life, spend only on devoid spells |
Remove storage counter, Dragons only | Choose 2 colors before start of game | Pay 1 mana |
Pay 5, makes 1 of each color | Choose a color when played | Produces colors of opponent's lands only |
Target opponent gets 1/1 spirit | Exile card from hand to untap | Spend only on Time Lord or Alien spells and abilities |
Pay 1 mana or sac | Must have a luck counter on it | Must have a mining counter on it |
Must control artifact, or sac at end of turn | Produces color of gates you control | Deals 1 damage to you |
Pay 1 mana, add 2 of any colors, spend only on legendary spells | Pay 1 mana, +1/+1 counter if used on a multicolor creature | Pay 1 mana |
Pay 1 mana | Spend only on dragon spells | Pay 1 mana |
Pay 2 mana | Pay 1 mana | Tap untapped creature you control |
Pay 1 life | Pay 1 mana, spend only on planeswalker spells (2 mana of different colors) | Sacrifice a creature |
Sac 2 lands (3 mana of 1 color) | Sac 2 lands (3 mana of 1 color) | Pay 1 life |
Spend only on pilot and vehicle spells | Choose color of permanent you control | One of the chosen color |
Remove charge counter | Pay 2, make mana equal to devotion | Pay 1, Commander only |
Pay 1 mana | Draft only | Commander only |
Spend only on multicolor spells | Colors of cards exiled from graveyard | Pay 1 mana |
Must control another Gate | Legendary spells or color of legend you control | Spend only on artifact spells and abilities |
Sac unles you tap an untapped artifact or land | Spend only on elemental spells and abilities | Opponent gains control at end of turn |
Choose color of land you control | Tap an untapped creature you control | Opponent can counter by paying 1 |
Pay 1 mana or sac | Pay 2 mana | Choose a creature type, spend only on spells or abilities of chosen type |
Choose a color when played | Pay 1 mana | Spend only on sliver spells |
Pay 1 life, must control an artifact | Sac X goats, produce X mana of any 1 color | Pay 1 mana |
One of the chosen color, two for land abilities | Tap creature | Pay 1 mana |
One of the chosen color, pay 1 for mana for each color permanent you control | 3 damage to you | Choose a color when played |
Remove charge counter | Produces colors of legendary creatures in your graveyard | Pay 1 mana |
Spend only on Phyrexian creatures | Choose basic land type when played, pay 1 life | Must control creature, or sac at end of turn |
Mana equal to number of creatures that share a type | Spend only on kicked spells | Pay 1 mana or sac |
Choose a color when played | Choose creature type | Bounce at untap |
Pay 1 mana | Pay 1 life, spend only on vampire spells |
White or one of chosen color | Blue or one of chosen color | Black or one of chosen color |
Red or one of chosen color | Green or one of chosen color |
White or one of chosen color | Blue or one of chosen color | Black or one of chosen color |
Red or one of chosen color | Green or one of chosen color |
White or remove charge counter | Blue or remove charge counter | Black or remove charge counter |
Red or remove charge counter | Green or remove charge counter |
White or sacrifice for any color | Blue or sacrifice for any color | Black or sacrifice for any color |
Red or sacrifice for any color | Green or sacrifice for any color |
Colorless or sacrifice for any color | 1 mana of any color when played | 1 mana of any color only on the turn it was played |
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